TEDx Tina Feigal How to Stop Kids' Meltdowns and Gain Their Cooperation
A former school psychologist, Tina is the mother of three wonderful sons and their equally wonderful spouses, and grandmother of 4 spunky grandchildren. Tina’s passion is bringing peace to homes and schools, by helping adults to heal challenging child behavior with the specific, highly effective “Present Moment Parenting.” Since 2000, she has operated her business, the Center for the Challenging Child, now a branch of Anu Family Services.
As a coach and trainer of coaches, Tina supports adults in applying the techniques in her books Present Moment Parenting: The Guide to a Peaceful Life with Your Intense Child, winner of the 2017 Moms Choice Gold Award and available on Amazon and Audible; and e-book, Healing the Heart of Your Traumatized Child, available on Amazon. Tina Feigal, M.S., Ed. of St. Paul, MN is the Director of Family Engagement at Anu Family Services.
Tina is the mother of three wonderful sons and their equally wonderful spouses, and grandmother of 4 spunky grandchildren.
Tina’s passion is bringing peace to homes and schools, by helping adults to heal challenging child behavior with the specific, highly effective “Present Moment Parenting.”
Emma tells her adoption story, including the challenges and amazing victories over trauma with Present Moment Parenting. Every parent can benefit from watching this!
What are the Benefits of Parent Coaching?
Interview with Anu Family Service’s Tina Feigal and Toni Martinez on Serving Diverse Families
Instilling Hope for Parents: School Year 2020
Tips for Helping Kids Who Struggle with Schoolwork
Tina Feigal answers questions about Parenting Coach Certification
Better behavior, anyone?